本篇博客是2019年的第一篇,也算是一个新的开始吧。这篇博客算是“独立自主写算法”系列的第一篇博客,目的是对于一些经典算法在不依赖或者尽可能依赖较少第三方库的情况下完成算法,以加深对算法的理解与掌握。 对于很多算法由于都有很多现成的库可以使用,以至于只会用别人的东西而没有“核心技术”。为了克服这样的情况,有了本系列博客的想法。相比于单纯原理,会更加侧重于算法的实现以及相关细节,对细节抱着“一丝不苟”的态度,力争做到“求甚解”。
这里借用WiKi上Corner Detection词条中的分类,如下。
这张图片比较清晰地概括了Feature Detection门类下的各个分支和代表算法,比较全面。
- 提出者:Hans Moravec
- 大学:Carnegie Mellon University(卡内基·梅隆大学)
- 提出时间:1980
- 最初用途:用于影像立体匹配,解决Stanford Cart导航问题
- 相关论文:Obstacle Avoidance and Navigation in the Real World by a Seeing Robot Rover(论文年代实在太过久远,所以文档质量不是太好,凑合看吧)
- 一句话总结: Moravec算子是一种基于灰度方差的角点检测方法,通过滑动矩形窗口寻找灰度变化的局部极值。计算像素点沿周围8个方向的灰度方差,并选取最小值作为该像素角点响应值CRF(Corner Response Function),最后通过局部非极大值抑制进行筛选。
关于原理部分我这里直接把WiKi上Corner Detection词条的Moravec corner detection algorithm部分直接翻译、复制过来,觉得写的很不错。
This is one of the earliest corner detection algorithms and defines a corner to be a point with low self-similarity. The algorithm tests each pixel in the image to see if a corner is present, by considering how similar a patch centered on the pixel is to nearby, largely overlapping patches. The similarity is measured by taking the sum of squared differences (SSD) between the corresponding pixels of two patches. A lower number indicates more similarity.
Moravec是最早的角点检测算法之一,它将角点定义为自相似性较低的点。算法通过考虑以像素为中心的窗口与附近的大部分重叠窗口有多相似,来测试图像中的每个像素,以查看是否存在角点。相似度是由两个窗口的对应像素之间的平方差之和(the sum of squared differences,SSD)来测量的,数字越小表示相似度越高。
If the pixel is in a region of uniform intensity, then the nearby patches will look similar. If the pixel is on an edge, then nearby patches in a direction perpendicular to the edge will look quite different, but nearby patches in a direction parallel to the edge will result in only in a small change. If the pixel is on a feature with variation in all directions, then none of the nearby patches will look similar.
The corner strength is defined as the smallest SSD between the patch and its neighbours (horizontal, vertical and on the two diagonals). The reason is that if this number is high, then the variation along all shifts is either equal to it or larger than it, so capturing that all nearby patches look different.If the corner strength number is computed for all locations, that it is locally maximal for one location indicates that a feature of interest is present in it.
As pointed out by Moravec, one of the main problems with this operator is that it is not isotropic: if an edge is present that is not in the direction of the neighbours (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal), then the smallest SSD will be large and the edge will be incorrectly chosen as an interest point.
\[CRF = min(V_1,V_2,...,V_8)\]如对某个像素分别计算8个方向得到的V如下图所示,最终选择最小值5462作为该像素的CRF。
在对CRF进行阈值筛选之后,依旧还是会有很多较为密集的角点。为了减少角点的密集程度,使用局部窗口的非极大值抑制(Non-Maximum Supression,NMS)。极大值即认为是角点,如下图。
# coding=utf-8
import cv2
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def calcV(window1, window2):
# 用于计算窗口间的差异
win1 = np.int32(window1)
win2 = np.int32(window2)
diff = win1 - win2
diff = diff * diff
return np.sum(diff)
def getWindow(img, i, j, win_size):
# 获得指定范围、大小的窗口内容
if win_size % 2 == 0:
win = None
return win
half_size = win_size / 2
start_x = i - half_size
start_y = j - half_size
end_x = i + half_size + 1
end_y = j + half_size + 1
win = img[start_x:end_x, start_y:end_y]
return win
def getWindowWithRange(img, i, j, win_size):
# 获取指定范围、大小的窗口内容以及坐标
if win_size % 2 == 0:
win = None
return win
half_size = win_size / 2
start_x = i - half_size
start_y = j - half_size
end_x = i + half_size + 1
end_y = j + half_size + 1
win = img[start_x:end_x, start_y:end_y]
return win, start_x, end_x, start_y, end_y
def get8directionWindow(img, i, j, win_size, win_offset):
# 获取8个方向的不同窗口内容
half_size = win_size / 2
win_tl = img[i - win_offset - half_size:i - win_offset + half_size + 1,
j - win_offset - half_size:j - win_offset + half_size + 1]
win_t = img[i - win_offset - half_size:i - win_offset + half_size + 1,
j - half_size:j + half_size + 1]
win_tr = img[i - win_offset - half_size:i - win_offset + half_size + 1,
j + win_offset - half_size:j + win_offset + half_size + 1]
win_l = img[i - half_size:i + half_size + 1,
j - win_offset - half_size:j - win_offset + half_size + 1]
win_r = img[i - half_size:i + half_size + 1,
j + win_offset - half_size:j + win_offset + half_size + 1]
win_bl = img[i + win_offset - half_size:i + win_offset + half_size + 1,
j - win_offset - half_size:j - win_offset + half_size + 1]
win_b = img[i + win_offset - half_size:i + win_offset + half_size + 1,
j - half_size:j + half_size + 1]
win_br = img[i + win_offset - half_size:i + win_offset + half_size + 1,
j + win_offset - half_size:j + win_offset + half_size + 1]
return win_tl, win_t, win_tr, win_l, win_r, win_bl, win_b, win_br
def nonMaximumSupression(mat, nonMaxValue=0):
mask = np.zeros(mat.shape, mat.dtype) + nonMaxValue
max_value = np.max(mat)
loc = np.where(mat == max_value)
row = loc[0]
col = loc[1]
mask[row, col] = max_value
return mask, row, col
def getScore(item):
return item[2]
def getKeypoints(keymap, nonMaxValue, nFeature=-1):
# 用于获取角点的坐标以及对角点进行排序筛选
loc = np.where(keymap != nonMaxValue)
xs = loc[1]
ys = loc[0]
print xs.__len__(), 'keypoints were found.'
kps = []
for x, y in zip(xs, ys):
kps.append([x, y, keymap[y, x]])
if nFeature != -1:
kps = kps[:nFeature]
print kps.__len__(), 'keypoints were selected.'
return kps
def drawKeypoints(img, kps):
for kp in kps:
pt = (kp[0], kp[1])
cv2.circle(img, pt, 3, [0, 0, 255], 1, cv2.LINE_AA)
return img
def getMoravecKps(img_path, win_size=3, win_offset=1, nonMax_size=5, nonMaxValue=0, nFeature=-1, thCRF=-1):
:param img_path: 影像的路径
:param win_size: 滑动窗口的大小
:param win_offset: 窗口偏移的距离
:param nonMax_size: 非极大值抑制的滑动窗口大小
:param nonMaxValue: 非极大值抑制时,非极大值被赋的值
:param nFeature: 打算提取的角点个数,-1表示自动
:param thCRF: 在对CRF进行筛选时使用的阈值,-1表示自动计算平均值作为阈值
print "step 1:read image"
img_rgb = cv2.imread(img_path)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img_rgb, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
img_h = img.shape[0]
img_w = img.shape[1]
print "=>image size:", img_h, '*', img_w
keymap = np.zeros([img_h, img_w], np.int32)
print "step 2:calculate score value using sliding window"
safe_range = win_offset + win_size
for i in range(safe_range, img_h - safe_range):
for j in range(safe_range, img_w - safe_range):
win = getWindow(img, i, j, win_size)
win_tl, win_t, win_tr, win_l, win_r, win_bl, win_b, win_br = get8directionWindow(img, i, j, win_size,
v1 = calcV(win, win_tl)
v2 = calcV(win, win_t)
v3 = calcV(win, win_tr)
v4 = calcV(win, win_l)
v5 = calcV(win, win_r)
v6 = calcV(win, win_bl)
v7 = calcV(win, win_b)
v8 = calcV(win, win_br)
c = min(v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8)
keymap[i, j] = c
if thCRF == -1:
# CRF的平均值作为筛选阈值
mean_c = np.mean(keymap)
print '=>auto threshold for score value:', mean_c
mean_c = thCRF
print '=>threshold for score value:', mean_c
print "step 3:filter keypoints using threshold..."
cv2.imwrite("keymap.jpg", keymap)
keymap = np.where(keymap < mean_c, 0, keymap)
cv2.imwrite("keymap_th.jpg", keymap)
print "step 4:non maximum supression..."
for i in range(safe_range, img_h - safe_range):
for j in range(safe_range, img_w - safe_range):
win, stx, enx, sty, eny = getWindowWithRange(keymap, i, j, nonMax_size)
nonMax_win, row, col = nonMaximumSupression(win)
keymap[stx:enx, sty:eny] = nonMax_win
cv2.imwrite("keymap_nonMax.jpg", keymap)
print "step 5:get keypoint location and draw points."
kps = getKeypoints(keymap, nonMaxValue=nonMaxValue, nFeature=nFeature)
img_kps = drawKeypoints(img_rgb, kps)
return kps, img_kps
if __name__ == '__main__':
kps, img = getMoravecKps("img.jpg", nFeature=300)
cv2.imwrite("moravec.jpg", img)
cv2.imshow("img", img)
- [1]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corner_detection
- [2]https://blog.csdn.net/kezunhai/article/details/11176065
- [3]https://blog.csdn.net/carson2005/article/details/39642923