
Mar 31,2021   11789 words   43 min

Tags: SLAM


这篇博客中,我们简单介绍了Subt的使用。这篇博客则侧重介绍一下Subt Github项目中自带的一些机器人模型,以方便参考和后续使用。



  • IMU - Xsens MTi 100, modeled by imu plugin
  • LIDAR - Velodyne VLP-16, modeled by gpu_lidar plugin
  • LIDAR - Robosense RS-Bpearl, there is not (yet) an Ignition-Gazebo plugin
  • Depth Camera - Intel Realsense D435, modeled by rgbd_camera plugin
  • Color Camera - FLIR Blackfly S Model ##BFS-U3-16S2C-CS , modeled by camera plugin
  • Synchronization Board - Autonomous Systems Lab, ETH Zurich - VersaVIS, there is not (yet) an Ignition-Gazebo plugin
  • 12 communication breadcrumbs are also available as a payload for this robot in sensor configuration 2.

This ANYmal is controlled by the custom cerberus_anymal_b_control_1 package, available in the repository cerberus_anymal_locomotion.


  • Onboard IMU - N/A, modeled by imu plugin
  • LIDAR - Velodyne VLP-16, modeled by gpu_lidar plugin
  • LIDAR - Robosense RS-Bpearl, modeled by gpu_lidar plugin
  • VIO Perception Head - Alphasense, modeled by imu and camera plugin
  • 12 communication breadcrumbs are also available as a payload for this robot in sensor configuration 2.

This ANYmal is controlled by the custom cerberus_anymal_c_control_1 package, available in the repository cerberus_anymal_locomotion.


  • IMU - Generic, modeled by imu plugin
  • LIDAR - Ouster OS1-16, modeled by gpu_ray plugin
  • Color Camera - FLIR Blackfly S, modeled by camera plugin
  • Depth Sensor - Picoflexx, modeled by depth_camera plugin

This Aerial Scout is controlled by the default twist controller package inside the simulation environment.


  • IMU - Vector Nav VN100, modeled by imu plugin
  • LIDAR - Velodyne VLP-16, modeled by gpu_ray plugin
  • Color Camera - FLIR Blackfly S, modeled by camera plugin

This Aerial Scout is controlled by the default twist controller package inside the simulation environment.


  • IMU - Generic, modeled by imu plugin
  • 4x ToF Ranging sensor - VL53L0X, modeled by gpu_ray plugin
  • Tracking Camera - T265, modeled by two camera sensors (right and left) with large FoV.

This Aerial Scout is controlled by the default twist controller package inside the simulation environment.



CoSTAR’s Husky UGV model with an RGBD camera, a medium range lidar, cliff sensor, and IMU


It is controlled by the default twist controller package inside the simulation environment.


  • 1x IMU - Cube Module, modeled by imu plugin
  • 1x 3D LIDAR - Velodyne VLP-16, modeled by gpu_ray plugin
  • 1x RGBD Camera - Realsense ZR300, modeled by rgbd_camera plugin

This COSTAR Shafter platform is controlled by the default twist controller package inside the simulation environment.


  • A Velodyne VLP-16 Lidar, modeled by the gpu_lidar plugin. (note this lidar is also mounted at 45 degrees on a rotating gimbal to give a near-360 degree FOV)
  • ECON e-CAM130_CUXVR Quad Camera system with each camera mounted on one side of the payload. The version on the platform is a custom set of sensors run at a resolution of 2016x1512, hardware triggered at 15fps. They are modeled by the standard camera plugin
  • A Microstrain CV5-25 IMU, modeled by the standard imu plugin

The platform is controlled by the standard diff-drive plugin for ignition gazebo, with twist inputs on “//cmd_vel", The robot has the following motion characteristics. Note there is also a gimbal for spinning the lidar, which is controlled on "/"/lidar_gimbal/pan_rate_cmd_double"


  • A Velodyne VLP-16 Lidar, modeled by the gpu_lidar plugin. (note this lidar is also mounted at 45 degrees on a rotating gimbal for to give a near-360 degree FOV)
  • ECON e-CAM130_CUXVR Quad Camera system with each camera mounted on one side of the payload. The version on the platform is a custom set of sensors run at a resolution of 2016x1512, hardware triggered at 15fps. They are modeled by the standard camera plugin
  • A Microstrain CV5-25 IMU, modeled by the standard imu plugin
  • 12 communication breadcrumbs are also available as a payload for this robot in sensor configuration 2.

The platform is controlled by the standard diff-drive plugin for ignition gazebo, with twist inputs on “//cmd_vel", The robot has the following motion characteristics. Note there is also a gimbal for spinning the lidar, which is controlled on "/"/lidar_gimbal/pan_rate_cmd_double"


  • Pointgrey Ladybug LB-3 omnidirectional camera: modeled by 6 camera plugins. The physical “multicamera” also has six distinct cameras, and the simulated ones closely follow their placement. Each camera has resolution 1616x1232 px with a field of view of 78 deg. The camera captures 6 synchronized “multiimages” per second.
  • D435 RGBD Camera, modeled by rgbd_camera plugin
    • 1x fixed, downward-facing at about 30 degrees (for examining terrain)
  • Sick LMS-151 2D lidar, modeled by gpu_lidar plugin
  • XSens MTI-G 710 IMU: modeled by imu_sensor plugin.
  • 12 communication breadcrumbs are also available as a payload for this robot in sensor configuration 2.

This robot is controlled by the DiffDrive plugin. It accepts twist inputs which drives the vehicle along the x-direction and around the z-axis. We add additional 8 pseudo-wheels where the robot’s tracks are to better approximate a track vehicle (flippers are subdivided to 5 pseudo-wheels). Currently, we are not aware of a track-vehicle plugin for ignition-gazebo. A TrackedVehicle plugin does exist in gazebo8+, but it is not straightforward to port to ignition-gazebo. We hope to work with other SubT teams and possibly experts among the ignition-gazebo developers to address this in the future.

Flippers provide a velocity control interface, but a positional controller and a higher-level control policy are strongly suggested.


  • 3x RGBD camera — intel realsense depth d435i, modeled by rgbd_camera plugin.
  • 1x 3D medium range lidar — Velodyne-16, modeled by gpu_lidar plugin.
  • 1x IMU f — Xsense MTI-100, modeled by imu plugins.

DS1 is controlled by the open-source teleop_twist_joy package.


  • 4x RGBD camera — intel realsense depth d435i, modeled by rgbd_camera plugin.
  • 1x 3D medium range lidar — Velodyne-16, modeled by gpu_lidar plugin.
  • 1x IMU — Xsense MTI-100, modeled by imu plugins.
  • 12 communication breadcrumbs are also available as a payload for this robot in sensor configuration 2.

R2 is controlled by the open-source teleop_twist_joy package.


  • 4x RGBD camera — intel realsense depth d435i, modeled by rgbd_camera plugin.
  • 1x 3D medium range lidar — Velodyne-16, modeled by gpu_lidar plugin.
  • 1x IMU — Xsense MTI-100, modeled by imu plugins.
  • 12 communication breadcrumbs are also available as a payload for this robot in sensor configuration 2.

R3 is controlled by the open-source teleop_twist_joy package.


  • 4x RGBD camera

It is controlled by the open-source teleop_twist_joy package.


  • Trossen ScorpionX MX-64 Robot Turret, modeled by JointStateController and JointStatePublisher plugins.
  • D435i RGBD Camera (x3), modeled by rgbd_camera plugin
    • 1x fixed, forward-looking
    • 1x fixed, downward-facing at about 45 degrees (for examining terrain)
    • 1x gimballed (on the Trossen turret)
  • Ouster 3D Lidar (64 Channel), modeled by gpu_lidar plugin
  • Microstrain IMU: 3DM-GX5-25, modeled by imu_sensor plugin. Notes on modeling of the IMU are included in the model.sdf file. (located under the 3D lidar, installed at same x,y location as 3D lidar)
  • RPLidar S1 Planar Lidar (under the 3D lidar), modeled by gpu_ray plugin
  • Vividia HTI-301 LWIR Camera (not modeled because thermal camera not yet supported in simulator) - located on the turret next to the D435i and light.
  • 12 communication breadcrumbs are also available as a payload for this robot in sensor configuration 2.

This MARBLE HD2 is controlled by the DiffDrive plugin. It accepts twist inputs which drive the vehicle along the x-direction and around the z-axis. We add additional pseudo-wheels where the HD2’s treads are to better approximate a track vehicle. Currently, we are not aware of a track-vehicle plugin for ignition-gazebo. A TrackedVehicle plugin does exist in gazebo8+, but it is not straightforward to port to ignition-gazebo. We hope to work with other SubT teams and possibly experts among the ignition-gazebo developers to address this in the future.


  • Trossen ScorpionX MX-64 Robot Turret, modeled by JointStateController and JointStatePublisher plugins.
  • D435i RGBD Camera (x3), modeled by rgbd_camera plugin
    • 1x fixed, forward-looking
    • 1x fixed, downward-facing at about 45 degrees (for examining terrain)
    • 1x gimballed (on the Trossen turret)
  • Ouster 3D Lidar (64 Channel), modeled by gpu_lidar plugin
  • Microstrain IMU: 3DM-GX5-25, modeled by imu_sensor plugin. Notes on modeling of the IMU are included in the model.sdf file. (located under the 3D lidar, installed at same x,y location as 3D lidar)
  • RPLidar S1 Planar Lidar (under the 3D lidar), modeled by gpu_ray plugin
  • Vividia HTI-301 LWIR Camera (not modeled because thermal camera not yet supported in simulator) - located on the turret next to the D435i and light.
  • 12 communication breadcrumbs are also available as a payload for this robot in sensor configuration 2.

This MARBLE Husky is controlled by the DiffDrive plugin. It accepts twist inputs which drive the vehicle along the x-direction and around the z-axis.


  • D435i RGBD Camera, modeled by rgbd_camera plugin
    • 1x fixed, forward-looking
  • Ouster 3D Lidar (64 Channel), modeled by gpu_lidar plugin
  • Microstrain IMU: 3DM-GX5-15, modeled by imu_sensor plugin. Notes on modeling of the IMU are included in the model.sdf file.
  • Picoflexx TOF Cameras, modeled by depth_camera plugin
    • 1 fixed on the front top
    • 1 fixed on the front bottom

This vehicle is controlled by the Twist ROS topic cmd_vel


  • 2x RGBD camera — Mynt Eye D, modeled by rgbd_camera plugin.
  • 2x Planar lidar — SICK TIM881P, modeled by gpu_lidar plugin.
  • 4x Monocular camera — KAYETON, modeled by camera plugin.
  • Tilt-compensated compass — CMPS14, modeled by imu and magnetometer plugins.
  • Altimeter — Infineon DPS310, modeled by air_pressure plugin.
  • Wheel odometry - wheel encoders modelled by pose-publisher plugin.
  • Gas sensor — Winsen MH-Z19B, modeled by GasEmitterDetector plugin.
  • 6 communication breadcrumbs are also available as a payload for this robot in sensor configuration 2.

Freyja is controlled by the open-source Osgar framework or by custom Erro framework.


  • 2x RGBD camera — intel realsense depth d435i, modeled by rgbd_camera plugin.
  • 2x Planar lidar — SICK TIM881P, modeled by gpu_lidar plugin.
  • 2x Monocular camera — Arecont Vision AV3216DN + lens MPL 1.55, modeled by camera plugin.
  • 2x IMU f — LORD Sensing 3DM-GX5, modeled by imu plugins.
  • 2x Magnetometers — LORD Sensing 3DM-GX5, modeled by magnetometer plugins.
  • Altimeter — Infineon DPS310, modeled by air_pressure plugin.
  • Wheel odometry - wheel encoders modelled by pose-publisher plugin.
  • 12 communication breadcrumbs are also available as a payload for this robot in sensor configuration 2.

Kloubak is controlled by the open-source Osgar framework. The robot Kloubak consists of the front and rear differential drives connected by joint. The maximum joint angle is limited by robot construction. The limit value is +- 70 deg.



The X2 robot configuration with RealSense D435i RGBD camera (640x360, 69deg-FoV), 30m 270-deg planar lidar, IMU and Gas detector


This vehicle is controlled by the Twist ROS topic cmd_vel



This X2 with sensor configuration 1 includes the same sensors as the X2_SENSOR_CONFIG_5. Only the cameras have a wider cone angle.


This X2 Config 1 can be controlled in the same way as the X2_SENSOR_CONFIG_5.



This X4 with sensor configuration 1 includes the same sensors as the X4_SENSOR_CONFIG_5. Only the positions of the cameras have been changed.


This X4 Config 1 can be controlled in the same way as the X4_SENSOR_CONFIG_5.



An X2 ground robot with the following sensors: - 2D lidar (based on RPLidar S1, 360 degrees) - 2 VGA RGBD cameras: one facing up about 20 deg and one facing down 20 deg.
- An upward facing point lidar for measuring height to ceiling.


This vehicle is controlled by the Twist ROS topic cmd_vel



X4 UAV with sensor configuration #8: 3D medium range lidar, IMU, pressure sensor, magnetometer, up and down Lidar Lite V3. Originally submitted as ssci_x4_sensor_config_8.


This vehicle is controlled by the Twist ROS topic cmd_vel

